Music reviews

SliceThePie Music: Stop The Crappy Reviews

Tuesday, January 29, 2013Teenchips

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If you feel like you've had enough of Slice The Pie STOP! Take a long breather away from your computer screen and give your ears a break. To make the most of your time with Slice The Pie only rate 2-3 songs (takes about ten to fifteen minutes) every 3-4 hours. Don't listen to 13-14 songs at once and rate them all in one go. I know that a lot of us teens are impatient when it comes to money, and getting what we want, but some things take time. 

You Won't Be Rich Overnight!

Slice The Pie will not make you rich overnight--nor will it EVER make you rich. It is just a fun way to make some extra money. Slice the Pie won't be fun at all if you listen to and review ten songs in a row (I promise you, only 2 or 3 may sound good--most of the time, none at all), because eventually you'll see that you hate most of the songs that your listening to and then your mind will eventually wonder off leading you to thinking "when is this going to be over?"

If you think that question when reviewing Slice the Pie songs, that means your time has come to stop and smell the roses. Slice the Pie wants honest music reviews--not a whole bunch of BS about how crappy the song sounds, and how horrible it makes you feel. When you have a job and hate it most of your work for that job will be suck-ish. Well the same thing goes for Slice The Pie. If it is a burden for you to log on, and rate music then it is time for you to take a short break. 

When you feel that you are ready to rate more songs on Slice The Pie, and the first song you listen to just makes you want to stab your ears then do the following 2 steps:

What to do when writing a review for crappy songs on Slice The Pie?

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  • Let these questions guide you: 
    • STEP 1: What is so bad about the song? Be specific. Is it the bass? Are the instruments not in sync? Is the pitch of the lead singer's voice too loud? Is it too low? Is the whole song itself inaudible? Do you not like it, because it has no lyrics? Do you not like it, because it has lyrics?
    • STEP 2: What can make the song better? Be specific. Does it need more edge? Would it seem nicer if it were a duet? Would you like the lyrics to tell a story? Does it need a guitar solo? Does any other instrument need to be added? 

This will lead you into writing nicer, and more thoughtful reviews about the songs you are rating and reviewing on Slice The Pie. This can also increase your pay rate. 

Is the tingling sensation to cheat on Slice The Pie numbing your mind, and itching at your fingers a little? If you just cannot take any more reviewing, and rating of songs that you feel you have to go as far as cheating Slice The Pie's system, then maybe it's not for you. When you feel the need to cheat on Slice The Pie is extremely strong and constantly popping up in your head that means you need to close the curtain, and throw in the towel.  It's time to move on to other sites to get that extra income. Maybe in a few months you may be able to come back to Slice The Pie, find that hidden gem, and continue writing good thoughtful reviews without cheating thoughts. If not, then you'll move on to greater, and better things. 

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