Android Only Favourite

Earn Money App (No Age Limit)

Saturday, January 26, 2013Teenchips

Here the currency basis is simple: one point equals a penny. You download apps for points and may come across free trials that have a higher payout (i.e. 2280 points= $22.80). Whichever you decide is up to you.
There are seven offer walls to choose from:

SponsorPay - This is the wall to go to if you want to earn by simply downloading apps.
Aarki - You have to wait at least 24 hours after installing apps to see it reflect on your account and same thing goes for the high paying free trial offers, and the regular free offers (easy to complete if you have a Jingit card or a normal debit/credit card). If your offer does not approve feel free to contact them by using their above support link.
Radium One - There are only a few choices here so you'll most likely visit this wall once in a blue moon.
SuperSonic Ads - This has so many offers to choose from, and you even get the choice to email the offers to yourself, and complete them on your computer.
Matomy - This offer wall has some potential, but I don't complete a lot of my offers here considering, when I use this site online the offers have to manually approve (you have to contact them, show proof, and all that good stuff--it gets annoying, you'll see).
Evebadge - Won't Earn much from it since some of its offers (well most) will charge you through your phone network provider (the amount will be charged through your phone bill) so beware. 
Trial Pay - Do not go to this wall if you do not have a credit/debit card, and if you do not cancel your trials on time (you will be charged to death if you do not cancel on time--not by trial pay, but by their sponsored offers, if you choose to complete them). If you already know how to complete trial offers, and cancel on time then you have nothing to worry about since the payouts are extremely high. Only complete the FREE trials that don't say something along these lines: "pay only $2.99 for a 7 day risk free trial." If it says this then it is really not a FREE trial since you will still be charged--your money will not be given back to you so do not complete them. There are some free offers but they do not pay much.
The minimum payout is set to $1.00 via PayPal and payment is sent within 24 hrs.
REMEMBER: Never spend money to make money

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