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Saturday, December 06, 2014Teenchips

Writing, articles, bubblews


My experience on Bubblews has actually been great! From the moment I posted my first article I received a boost of about $1.28 (I think that was a bonus for posting my first article, but I am not sure), and the money kept rolling in from then on. At first I was quite skeptical about writing on the site (I am mostly used to using sites like infobarrel, triond, and squidoo), because of some of the content I found there (a load of crap good for nothing articles, but the Bubblews team is working on fixing that), but after I gave it a shot I can say that I don't regret my decision. Every single minute for that first day I think I got about 1-2 notifications saying that someone either liked or commented on my post (I think this was, because whenever a user writes a new article it appears on the first page for about 30 seconds or so, and if the title or picture is eye catching then more people will be inclined to click on in within the 30 sec time frame). I also reached the $25.00 payout within a week, and a half. At Bubblews you can cash out via PayPal or check.

Is it possible for everyone to make this much, this fast on Bubblews?

Actually, I think this kind of depends on the following:

1. Your writing skills (actually I don't even think this is a factor since people write the worst articles on that site, and still make a whopping $100.00).
If you are a serious writer, and believe that this site has a lot of potential (come on, you get paid for every view) then why not give it a try? You can use your good SEO skills to bring in a lot of views (but Bubblews site ranking is kind of low).
If you are a good writer, but do not have SEO skills: do you have a lot of connections? No I do not mean on twitter, or Facebook, or blogger, etc. I actually mean on the site Bubblews itself. If you have a lot of connections, the people you are connected to will see everything you have recently posted on their notifications, and you can therefore get a lot of viewership that way. Connecting to other people is a great way to stay active on the site, and increase your chances of being connected to, and having people read your great posts. So when you sign up make sure you get plenty of connections. 

2. Quantity

You are getting paid $0.01 per view--well every unique view. At Bubblews it works like this: Take for example you asking your friend named Ashley to see your post called "The Wild." If Ashley sees that post you get an easy $0.01, because that was one view. Now, if Ashley were to go read it a second time then you would get nothing, because she has already seen that post. Though if you had two posts, one called "The Wild" and another called "Lost," and asked Ashley to read both posts then you would get $0.02 when she reads those two different articles (this counts as 2 views). Basically, you will not get paid if the same person views the same post twice. 

Quantity matters just as much as quality at Bubblews. It is very helpful to write as many articles as you possibly can to make the payout faster at Bubblews.

There are a few rules at Bubblews, but let me keep it short.

The content you are posting be it a tutorial, review, testimonial, top ten list, etc. has to be original, and yours. You cannot take credit for someone else's work.
It has to be at least 100 words.
You cannot post more than ten articles a day

Do I recommend Bubblews? Maybe.

If I said yes, I would be a liar, but if I said no I would also be lying to myself. I am really struggling with the "do I recommend this or not question." I mean it is one of the easiest sites to cash out of even if you suck terribly at writing! This could seem like a good or bad thing depending on the way you look at it. If you're an amazing writer you would feel a little bit discouraged knowing that even the worst writers are making more than you, and that it isn't fair. If you are a terrible writer you might see light, and hope in this site as it gives you quick cash for barely any work. The easy money would make me recommend this site, but speaking of that...

Easy money is the problem. Not only is money making WAY TOO EASY (warning sign) on Bubblews, but there have been some complaints about users not getting paid. I can truly say that I have always received my money on time from Bubblews, and have always been paid, but this is not true for everyone. When I joined this site I took the risk, thus knowing what was involved (this is why I think it is only fair that you guys all know what you're getting into). It happens to 1 out of every 1,000 people on that site so the chances of you not being paid might be slim, but you never know.


PayPal payment proof:

Bubblews Payment



The Payment threshold has been increased to $50.00 :(

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