18 and up broke college students

Great ways to make money online as a broke college student

Thursday, December 29, 2016Teenchips

Teenchips broke college student, beautiful woman in cute top and green skirt college brunette long hair pretty nails, hand pointing young woman teenchips, white text on light blue background

This list showcases 5 ways you can make money online as a broke college student. Depending on how you apply these tips you can make as much as $2,000 a month. You don't need to blow a lot of cash on any of the apps, and sites mentioned below since our goal here is making money not spending it. We're broke enough as it is. 

Sell your closet:

Sell your closet with poshmark and depop earn money online, black white and bright pink colorful closet women men kids sell money clothes teenchips.com

Do you have some trendy jeans, and t-shirts you almost never wear or they just don't fit? Maybe you can't return them anymore? Don't throw it out in the garbage!!!!
Sell it online instead. 
You can use an awesome little app like Depop to sell your clothes (also high school student friendly. So if you have a little brother or sister who is at least 14 years old, and  also needs to make some extra cash feel free to share the love!) at a price that you want. I recommend selling your items at least 10% - 20% cheaper than the original purchase price (if you can even remember it). 

Another great alternative to depop if you'd like to make some extra money online as a broke college student is Poshmark (must be 18 years of age or older).

How to make sure your getting a ton of exposure selling your clothes:
  • Only sell good looking clothes. Do they have unwanted accidental holes, and permanent dirt stains? If yes, then don't sell it. It won't sell. End of story. 
  • Take pictures under great lighting or use a cute pic of you wearing the outfit. Behold the examples below:
  • Promote your pics on Social media. Obviously a major one is instagram, and facebook (it seems like a go to for fashion brands, and stuff). 
  • Let the price be reasonable. No $50 price tag for a $5 pair of shoes. No one will take you seriously. 
  • Write a great accurate description. If the colors are a bit off from what is shown, or if there is the tiniest tear in a spot please let your buyers know before they purchase. If you don't do this guess what? They'll return it, and you won't get paid--crazy I know. 
  • Sell some bundles. A crop top, with jeans, a sweater, and leggings all bundled together at a low price will get you more sales than a simple shirt. 
  • Package it well. You're going to be getting reviews from these buyers so give them some good looking packaging. Nothing fancy, but no ripped open boxes. Use wrapping paper from dollar tree or the 99 cent store if you need to. 

If you need free shipping boxes please visit here, register an account, click on store, go to shipping supplies, and choose your free "priority mail boxes" please do not choose express as your buyer or your buyer may be charged. 

Sell your Mind:

Udemy, skillshare, college kids teach to earn money, learn, woman on computer teaching

You can teach whatever you are learning in college to other people who cannot or do not have the luxury to, and would like to learn what you know. Knowledge is gold, and power. If you know what you are being taught well, and believe you can teach it (to a friend, sibling, parent, etc.) then you can make a good amount of money from it online.

With online education rising this is your chance to shine! Websites such as Skillshare, and Udemy give you the opportunity to share what know with the world, and earn a little extra cash while doing so. 

How to make sure you succeed by selling your courses: 
  • Make sure you are using a good screen recorder. This only applies if your course revolves around something like coding, designing, video editing, keynote presentations, etc. If it is computer based people will have to see what you are teaching. 
  • Use reasonable timing. Your videos do not have to be days or hours long. You do not have to give hour long lectures.  As long as you can cover the material needed the course can be as short as 40 minutes - 1 hour in total.
  • Offer A Valuable Course. Make sure this course actually teaches something. Your customers do get to leave reviews for everyone to see. 
  • Promote your course.

Sell your services:

man online logo design, woman drawing cartoon, cartoon services on fiverr, sell services teenchips, college student side hustle, color, web ui, custom graphics, services design,

You can offer to edit songs, create facebook covers, twitter covers, record voice overs, do cartwheels or honestly review a product on Fiverr. Fiverr is a very well known side-hustle that allows anyone to sell almost any service online. A lot of broke college students have found success in making money online with fiverr as you can see below in the Fiverr success stories:

There's too much to share. Check out the rest of their blog here. Okay, now let's keep it moving. 

Many college students have used fiverr to pay for their college tuition, books, and even start up their own businesses afterwards. Whatever you choose to offer at fiverr is all up to you. The possibilities is endless. I myself have earned quite a lot using fiverr to pay my tuition so I definitely recommend. I made $8,000 a month this year with fiverr alone (not counting depop, gumroad, or anything else) so I am a strong believer in using this app to alleviate the poverty college brings. 

How to make sure you succeed in making money with Fiverr:
  • Offer something you can do fast, and then up-sell the ones that take longer
  • Offer something that is in demand (testimonials, voice-overs, social media covers) or extremely unique
  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Be nice, and professional. If you throw a tantrum like a 3 year old child you will have zero clients, and make zero dollars. 
  • Keep up with the forum. There are some golden tips in there for your most gloomy days. 
  • Have juicy, and deliciously crafted gig descriptions
  • Answer all messages on time. Response rate on fleek!
  • Deliver on time always. 

Sell your old textbooks:

Sell your textbooks online, pixabay books, green ears cute red cat, multicolored book shelf books, teenchips college broke students need to earn income moolar money

This is an oldie, but goodie. You can sell your old textbooks online (you know the ones you were forced to purchase, because the rental books on campus were practically the same price. Yet, you barely used it class).

You can try sites like bookscouter (my fave), bookbyte, and half (by ebay). 

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