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Thursday, March 30, 2017Teenchips

cashcrate is now trash teenchips woman hitting man on face with boxing gloves money online

Cashcrate has literally went downhill in the quality that it provides to us its members. This list is based on the experiences that many users I have talked to spoke to me about. There are a whole lot more issues with the site, but let's just narrow it down to 10 things that makes Cashcrate trash such as...

1 - Unprofessional, and unreliable support staff:

When joining cashcrate you are 100% completely on your own.  Opt for other professional companies like swagbucks (support staff on point) rather than the confused, and unprofessional cashcrate.

If you have an issue or problem they will NEVER help you or reply. Either they are scared to deal with issues, or just don’t give 2 flying ding dongs about their users.

Their support is complete trash. A company succeeds mostly based on being reliable in terms of support. Cashcrate just isn't that. If you need a GPT site that you can rely on when something goes wrong stay far (extremely far) away from the terror that is cashcrate.

2 -  Lack of offers, and surveys:

Cashcrate’s quality has gone down the drain with massive issues with its own survey platform being outdated, and not crediting. For example, every single offer at their “check in” button (checking in daily gets you $0.03 cents, and a $0.50 bonus at the end of the month I think) thanks you with this message:

3 - People cannot really earn through referrals anymore:

You will make pennies on CashCrate if not for the “referral” trick.
The more people you refer, the more offers they do, the more you earn, and the more they earn. Easy, right? Wrong.
Referrals on cashcrate barely work anymore as people have caught on to the fact that cashcrate has become trash in terms of offers, and their non-existent support. 

What referral will stick around on a site that no longer offers any value to them. You will see a list of inactive referrals who signed up, and gave up.

4 - Cashcrate depends on 3rd party offer walls more than providing its own offers:

Cashcrate depends on third party companies like Peanut labs (no support as well), Radium one, Super Rewards, Encrave, etc to provide you offers and support as they no longer strive to. If something goes wrong with those offer walls cashcrate will not try to communicate with them to get you your earnings. It will simply put itself in a bubble, and pretend that nothing is wrong.

Depending on offer walls when you yourself are lacking is not an issue. Not overseeing it, and having communication with the company to make sure it is not scammy is the issue.

To cashcrate you don’t exist. They wait to get their cut of the money when/if you do offers, and surveys, and that’s all. If something wrong is happening with a 3rd party offer wall they don’t car.

5 - Their “Contact Us” button is misleading:

They never reply or anything. It makes me wonder if the site even has a support staff.

6 - Their site is not properly maintained:

The site’s forum (where users help each other out since cashcrate does a horrible job at it) is not very well maintained. Words overlap each other, link colors are so light you can’t see them (makes navigation a bit harder), and out of 5 million members total currently active was 21.

7 - A lot of people have lost faith in Cashcrate:

Most people give up, and never come back. Sadly, I think Cashcrate has even given up on itself with the poor maintenance of the site, and zero support staff. 

8 - It attempts to keep earning from active members with little to no effort:

Cashcrate tries to keep its current members from leaving by doing monthly promotions and bonuses, but the efforts are not enough. There is an issue going on that has never been acted on for the past few years which is destroying their active member count yet they have never fixed it.

9 -  Too little too late:

For too long cashcrate was lagging behind other GPT sites. Cashcrate used to offer only checks as a payout option, and eventually Paypal, and now direct deposit.

Each payout option was only available once you reached a certain level which probably turned away some of cashcrate’s users.

Other GPT sites have been ahead of cashcrate, and crushing them in this department by offering Paypal, Gift Cards, Direct Deposits, and a whole lot more without having to reach “silver” or “gold” levels. All in all, Cashcrate provided too little options, and by the time that it offered more payout options it was too late.

10 - We’ve all had enough:

It’s obvious that Cashcrate doesn’t give 2 ships about any of us, and at this point neither do we. I will no longer in any way recommend Cashcrate to you guys (based on my past initial review of Cashcrate I think it you guys took the hint), and will be adding it to the dead GPT list otherwise known as “TRASH.”

You can still earn with cashcrate, but it will be low tiny earnings that needs to build up to $20 (unless you do those huge third party offers. I recommend doing them at Swagbucks or InstaGC, because if something goes wrong at Cashcrate you are on your own—just forget about it).

If you yourself are still a ride or die for cashcrate let me know below in the comments, and tell me why you love it. If not, and you'd like to add on to the list...tell me why you ditched it!

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