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How leeching off the audience of bigger blogs or platforms is the best way to promote your blogs!

Tuesday, April 04, 2017Teenchips

How leeching off the audience of bigger blogs or platforms is the best way to promote your blogs teenchips pretty girl on smartphone photoshop manipulation

The best way to promote yourself or gain a huge amount of exposure in a short amount of time is by gaining the attention of a huge audience. 

How do you do that? The same way most influencers have done it, and still, do it! 

People borrow (leech off of) the audience of bigger blogs, and other platforms to promote their blogs, videos, and products.

They gain the attention of big brands, vloggers, bloggers, and the like. In turn, when that big blogger or vlogger sees and likes the content you shared with them they go ahead and share it with their large audience. Their audience usually likes what vlogger/blogger shares (the trust factor) so they check out the post, and if they like yours they soon start following your content as well (you know since the person they follow likes you as well).

That only works if their audience like your content, of course, so make sure you put out great content and stay consistent! 

Big brands like Coca-Cola, Pond5, and even movie studios place paid ads on popular YouTube videos and even purchase ad space on well-known blogs just so they could gain more exposure for their latest products. Even the big guys know that the only way they will get major exposure is from piggy-backing on the backs of popular people that have a lot of influence on their audience thus leeching off of that audience to gain sales, views. etc. 

They pay to use the success of others and use it for themselves. 

To get noticed you need a large audience, but more importantly an audience that is interested in what you have to say. 

We see a popular method of "leeching off the audience of bigger platforms" in the blogging world today. You may or may not know what it is, and may have even tried using this method yourself called "Guest blogging." Guest blogging is basically writing great content for other blogs that have a bigger audience than you so that you can gain exposure to your own blog. You're basically grabbing the attention of their audience and leading them to you. 

Guest blogging, when done correctly and on a large platform with lots of traffic, is extremely effective. Many bloggers recommend this method to boost your traffic. 

In the vlogging world, most people do free collaborations with other popular video content creators to bring awareness to themselves and boost their views. Brands, on the other hand, offer huge vloggers free products in order to get a review out to that vlogger's audience which can increase their sales significantly (have you guys not seen the amount of exposure the Vanity Planet Spin brushes are getting? Or Squarespace.com being promoted throughout videos? This is how brands, people, and even animals go viral!)

You can see examples of this on big platforms like youtube or Instagram where content creators go from 100 subscribers to 100,000 after a simple collab with a bigger creator. 

Tips for getting noticed by bigger platforms:

  • Offer posts that are relevant to the brand and helpful for their audience--especially if it is in your blog's niche. For example, if the massive blogger is all about giving tips on photography don't try to pitch, and promote your post about cooking grits to them. Pitch a related topic such as tips and tricks about camera lens or something. 
  • Don't be a desperate spammer. Don't go on twitter and "@" the brand 100 times telling them to check out your post (huge red flag)
  • Choose enticing or controversial titles for your blog posts, Facebook posts, tweets, etc. If you blog about very controversial topics you need to find a bigger creator who also blogs similarly, and pitch yourself to them. Targeting the audience of someone who is within the same niche works better. 
  • Always use an image when linking to your post on social media before showing them to bigger brands  as well as your own audience (social media posts with images get twice as much engagement) 

Watch out for these blog killers;

  • Poor website design. If the text is hard to see or read, and the site is clunky then there's problem.
  • A super slow website. If it takes too long to load people will leave in search of the next best thing. 
  • Too many pop-up advertisements (especially the ones that open new scam webpages). Everyone hates them and will think you're a spam site. 
  • Extremely poor grammar---this goes without saying.  An app like grammarly can help. 
  • Extremely complex grammar (readers need to understand what you're saying without having to look at a dictionary every 2 seconds--unless that's the audience you are going after. Since most people are average readers I don't recommend this writing style)

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