13 and Up Crowtap

Crowdtap Review | Share Your Thoughts For Cool Rewards

Sunday, May 22, 2016Teenchips

Teenchips earn free amazon gift cards with crowdtap review

In a nutshell Crowdtap is a platform that rewards you (the member) for connecting with brands you love. You will get to share your opinions as well as promote several brands (like eBay, Pantene, or Amazon to name a few) with your friends on social media. 

If you're not a person who likes to be on social media like
Facebook (crucial), Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc then I suggest you skip out on this one as social media sharing is basically what Crowdtap is all about (sharing the love). On the other hand, if you are a social media master (or if you're active on it), and love to try products for free as well as get free gift cards or money then stick around!

How can I earn money or gift cards with Crowdtap? 

Teenchips earn rewards with crowdtap review

Crowdtap allows you to earn Amazon gift cards in terms of points. When you first start out you'll need 500 points to receive a $5 gift card. After the first three gift card redemptions you will then need 1000 points to cash out a $5 Amazon gift card. 

Crowdtap points vary depending on the "mission" you choose to complete from your connected brands starting from 2 points to 100 points per mission. Crowtap has over 30 brands to connect with!

How many Crowdtap missions are there?

Teenchips review crowdtap screenshot missions available

There are 7 types of Crowdtap missions: 

  • Polls
  • Comments
  • Media (social media sharing)
  • Photo (usually taking a selfie)
  • Combo
  • Questionnaire
  • Samples

Crowtap review of missions teenchips
Most polls are worth 2 points while comments, media, combos, and questionnaires are worth 20 points per mission. The photo missions are a total mixture of points varying from 20, 50, and 70 points each. Sample missions on the other hand usually start at 100 to 150 points, and up per mission. 

I personally got my Amazon gift cards in under 30 minutes by completing the comments, media, and combos. I am just now receiving a sample to honestly review from Garnier Fructis, and considering this is my first time using Crowdtap (started late April) my experience so far has been wonderful. 

You don't have to spend a ton of time trying to get your gift cards, because time is money my friend so if you have plans to hang out with your friends-----grab some pizza, and some drinks-----then go ahead, and do so! You can visit Crowdtap any time of the day for like 5 minutes a day to do some missions, and you'll still rack up points for your gift cards. 

You talked about gift cards, but what about earning money?

how to earn cash with crowdtap teenchips

Certain missions on Crowtap (they are random) allow you to enter drawings to win money. Like for example, for a brand a bunch of Crowtap community members submitted a screen shot of their brand inspired pinterest board, and random members were picked to win $50 each just for taking a screen shot. Again, these are so random you might miss them so keep your eye on your favorite brands by connecting to as many as you can (not a brand that you hate though).

How old do I have to be to sign up?

13 years old to join crowdtap teenchips

To join Crowdtap you must be at least 13 years of age or older. 

Bonus! Crowdtap allows multiple accounts per household if other family members who live with you want to join.  As long as they have their own individual facebook account they are fine :)

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